North Road
A new 4 bed contemporary house for low impact, comfortable living designed with sustainability as an essential element
The proposed new dwelling is situated in the southern part of the site and utilises the change in level in order to minimise amenity impact on the neighbouring properties. The proposed dwelling is two storeys, however the lowerground floor is built into the site by half a storey and therefore ensures that the new dwelling will have minimal impact on the views from adjacent properties.
The dwelling provides a 4 bed contemporary house. The applicant has high aspirations for low impact, comfortable living and as such the house is designed with sustainability as an essential element. The house will be designed and constructed to the highest environmental standards and will use PassiveHouse principles to minimise energy usage.
The proposed materials and design seek to respect and enhance the World Heritage Site status of Bath, the Conservation Area and the adjacent context. As far as possible it will only include materials and products that minimise negative impact on the environment