Small Scale Urban Development

Thanks to @thebathmagazine for the article this month looking at small scale sustainable urban development in Bath featuring some of our projects for gap sites and forgotten spaces.  

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The release of the Government’s White Paper ‘Planning for the Future’ outlines reforms to the country’s planning system. But relaxing the planning rules is not going to ensure that more well-designed, sustainable and affordable homes are going to be created.

There are opportunities for individuals and small independent developers to change the way homes are built and to create a better environment. If we want to retain control of our urban and rural environment we should be developing it ourselves. If you don’t someone else will - and you might not like what they do.

Our experience shows the great potential of developing sustainable high quality homes on overlooked, unused or difficult sites. These are sites that commercial developers and house builders may disregard as uneconomical or too time consuming. But they’re fantastic opportunities for individuals and small design-led developers to unlock the value of these challenging sites and overlooked small plots to create high quality sustainable homes that meet a housing need.

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We have a track record of developing our own sites, as well as helping individuals and small developers develop theirs.

Get in touch to discuss how we can help you.


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